When I look at my finished piece of art I smile, and feel success. I know that I put many hard working hours into this project including at least two extended lunch periods. The finished product is different then I had planned it would be. I realized I am much happier with he finished product then I had planned to finish it in the begging. During the project I kept adding parts or seeing what looked right. I definitely took advice from others especially Ms. Robert's and Mr. Brooks. I am most proud of the face that i drew and the flower that I made in her hair. The flower was made out of pencil shavings. I never believed that I could draw, but when I worked on this project I knew what I wanted to draw and I am happy at how it turned out. I think that the project tells that when I walk in the room I have this story about my life so far. I think that it also shows that I have alot of ideas in my head. I wanted the art to come off as it also shows me as an artsy funky person. I like how the pictures I used for my family stands out of the paper because they are in black and white. I think the main idea when looking at this art is showing that it is a story that I am trying to tell and that it has an artsy feel to it.